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About Us

VaRIYE - Sommerferien 2021

Dancing - Drama - Filming - outdoor activities - international group - online & offline


VaRIYE is an international youth exchange project during the summer holidays 2021.

It takes place in Padova (Italy), Poznan (Poland), Riga (Latvia) and in Kassel  (Germany) and of course online

19.-23.July 2021

Thinking and talking about Corona and its impact to young people and finally acting, dancing and filming.

The local groups in Padova, Poznan, Huarte and Kassel will organize some outdoor activities. The international part of the project - meeting the other groups - will be realized online.



Comune die Padova - Progetto Giovani (Italy)

EKHI Huarte (Spain)

Stowarzyszenie Forum Kultur Poznan (Poland)

Stadt Kassel, Jugendamt, Kommunales Jugendbildungswerk (Germany)

Sesam e.V. Kassel (Germany)


More information will come soon ...


Das Projekt in Kassel

-Tanz – Theater – Filmen – Kanutour – outdoor-Aktivitäten- -internationale Gruppe-



Samstag, 17.- Freitag, 23.Juli 2021

14 – 19 Jahre

Italien (Padova) – Polen (Poznan) – Lettland – Deutschland (Kassel)

Was macht dieses F****** Corona-Virus mit uns?

hier in Kassel? mit den anderen in Poznan, Riga und Padova?

Theater spielen, Tanzen oder Filmen on- und offline

Experimentieren, Darstellen, Tanzen,

Unterwegs in Nordhessen … mit dem Kanu … auf E-scootern .... und andere outdoor-Aktionen in kleinen Gruppen (je nach aktueller Corona-Lage)

Austausch mit den anderen Teilnehmenden aus Italien, Polen und Lettland.

Veranstalter: Stadt Kassel, Kommunales Jugendbildungswerk und Sesam e.V.

Informationen zum Projekt und Anmeldungen:

Stadt Kassel, Kommunales Jugendbildungswerk, Mühlengasse 1, 34125 Kassel


Tel.: 0561 787 5148

LOGO LPR medienanstalt HKS ab 2020-06.jpg

Das Projekt wird gefördert von der Medienanstalt LPR-Hessen

                                      Morning  9.30 – 13.00   -   Afternoon 15.00 – 18.00     -    Evening  19.00 – 22.00


Monday, 19.07.

Morning: Online: Welcome & introduction, ice breaking


Afternoon: Local activities  (producing short films about the cities and/or Corona-reportage)


Evening: optional: Online: common evening program, then: meeting in chatrooms or games


Tuesday, 20.07.

Morning: Online: Input according to the topic & workshops (Dance, Drama, Film)


Afternoon: Local activities

Evening: optional: Online: common evening program: information about the cities,

then: meeting in chatrooms or games

Wednesday, 21.07.

Morning and afternoon: Local activity or daytrip to an interesting place

(some kind of documentation for the other groups!!)


Evening: Online:Presentation of the daytrip-activities and chance for chatting

Thursday, 22.07.

Morning: Online: Common start and some individual information;

Workshops (Dance, Drama, Film)

Afternoon: Online or offline activities within the Workshops (or freetime)

Evening: optional: Online common evening program: Quiz,

then: meeting in chatrooms or games

Friday, 23.07.

Morning: Online: Common start and some individual information;

Workshops (Dance, Drama, Film)

Afternoon: Online or offline activities within the Workshops (or freetime)


Evening: Online: Final presentation and evaluation,

common fare well

Program of the project

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